About the Business
  • Our wildlife management technicians are fully trained and insured.
  • East Anglian Wildlife Management operate 24 Hours a day, 7 Days Week, 365 days a year.
  • We have no Sunday or Bank Holiday surcharges.
  • East Anglian Wildlife Management covers all of Suffolk, Essex and Norfolk
  • We strive for customer satisfaction with affordable and competitive prices and discounts for OAP'S and multiple treatments.
  • We offer one-off treatments and annual contracts.
  • We use modern humane approved traps for mammals. All of our treatments are guaranteed.
Business Services

Bird Management

Bird Management

From From £100
We offer a control service for pest bird species. Magpies, Crows, Rooks, Jackdaws, Feral and Wood Pigeons, Cormorants and Geese. Please contact us for further details.
Rat Control

Rat Control

From £100 minimum 2 visits
Luckily most rat problems are outside and are usually caused by a food source, rats using an area for cover or a water source or possibly a combination of all three. We offer a control service for rats to homeowners, farmers, fisheries, commercial and industrial clients. One off and annual contracts.
Deer Management

Deer Management

From Quote after free survey.
We carry out a full deer control and management service across Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex. Our deer control managers are fully trained to BDS standard and fully insured. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Mink Control

Mink Control

From From £80.00
We offer a comprehensive control service for mink, we currently trap mink all over Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex and offer a control service to landowners, farmers, fisheries and home owners. We use both live catch and lethal trapping methods including the GWCT Mink Raft.
Rabbit Control

Rabbit Control

From (All Methods Except Gassing) from £80.00

At East Anglian Wildlife Management we have a full range of rabbit control methods to deal with any rabbit problem that occurs. We are able to provide a solution to any scenario. We can offer a humane and versatile rabbit control service that is unlikely to be matched by any other company.

Below you will find a list of all our rabbit control methods, if you have any questions or would like us to visit your site to help detail your requirements please feel free to contact us.

Rabbit proof fencing.

Ferreting Lamping.

Night vision.

Drop boxes.

Long netting Dropnets & Liftnets.

Snaring Trapping.


Fox Control

Fox Control

From Quote after free survey.

We offer a comprehensive control service for foxes in urban, suburban and agricultural environments. We use all methods available tailored to individual situations.

Live Cage Trapping.

Collarum Trapping.

Humane Snaring.

Squirrel Control

Squirrel Control

From From £100

East Anglian Wildlife Management specialise in the control of squirrels in roof spaces, gardens, woodlands, estates and church yards.

We use humane live and lethal traps that are squirrel specific and will not harm pets or children and are very discreet.

Mole Control

Mole Control

From From £80.00

we offer a comprehensive mole control service on both a one off and contractual basis to homeowners, farmers, sports grounds, cemeteries, horticultural, estates, commercial and industrial.

It is difficult to prevent moles accessing an area. Moles are usually attracted by a ready food source (earthworms) or the need to find a new territory.

Our pest control teams can however provide a swift and reliable mole treatment so the disruption to your business is minimised. We use traditional mole control methods, such as mole traps, to avoid causing unnecessary suffering.

Our expert teams will help you identify an effective mole treatment by providing.

Fast, reliable response with no call out charges.

A free survey of the site or problem with free estimates.

Discreet and swift service for sensitive or urgent problems.

A member of staff will be happy to arrange a mole control survey by calling 01449 503001.

Location & Hours

The Crescent, Rectory Road, Bacton

Stowmarket, IP14 4LE
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