About the Business
Every year we are called out to deal with hundreds of wasps nests. We destroy them safely, and effectively, and our service is guaranteed. We leave our customers knowing they have one less worry! Wasps sting without provocation! Multiple stings can kill, as can a single sting if you suffer an allergy to to a wasp's sting. Knowing the dangers of tackling these aggressive insects we would never advise you to take any unnecessary risks yourself. NEVER: prod, poke or fracture a live nest without adequate protection (wasps will respond to pending danger, or sudden shock by producing pheromones which will in turn alert the entire colony to the danger causing a swarm attack!)
NEVER: try to destroy a wasps nest by pouring chemicals, bleach or boiling water on it. Attempting to set fire to it is just as dangerous, and could result in serious burns, or multiple stings! NEVER: try to resolve the problem by sealing the point of entry/exit with filler, or polystyrene foam!
Location & Hours

46 Jordanthorpe Green